Bindaas (2010) Review...

Bindaas (2010) Review...





Ajay and his parents are estranged from their joint family in Rayalaseema. Ajay belongs to the family of Mahendra Naidu. Seshadri Naidu is the enemy of Mahendra Naidu. They keep killing each other's family members. The story is about how the free-spirited Ajay puts an end to this and unites both families.


This movie is the best movie of Manchu Manoj I've watched as of  23 - May - 2017. In some aspects, I like this movie better than his Sree (2005) movie. The story is interesting, characters are compelling (except the people playing Manchu Manoj's uncles and aunts) and the songs are not that bad.

The first half focuses on the comedy and second half mostly on uniting the 2 families. This is by far the best comedy seen from Manchu Manoj. He shows a lot of energy in his performance. He plays a mischievous mass hero that you think might have gone cliched by now but he manages to provide a different look to the character. There is a reason for his mischief and it's touched upon enough. His mischievous schemes are so funny and since timing is a main factor in his type of comedy, they nailed it.

The female protagonist is portrayed by Sheena Shahabadi. I didn't have any problem in her performance. The only minor problem I had was her physique in this movie. She looked like a 10th standard student with her physique. She had this incredibly young look to her. I felt she was around 14 - 15 years of age at first glance. I can understand the reason for casting her. As the movie progressed, her looks didn't bother me at all. She brought a child-like charm to the movie and her reactions in the movie worked well with her physique. So, I was totally into it.

Manchu Manoj's uncles and aunts were a complete bore. They were filler characters at best. Their only role in the movie was to scold Manchu Manoj. Their characters were bland, pale and completely unnecessary. Also, Jeeva's role had no impact on me whatsoever. Since the entire movie is implicated on his death, why did you provide only his death scene? He has one scene and that was his death scene. Nothing about him was established. We know nothing about him at all. In the movie's point of view, he was the brother-in-law of Jaya Prakash Reddy's family but according to our point of view, he was just some random asshole that had to die just to provide the main plot of the movie. He is a completely pointless character. These were the only disappointment in this movie.

The comic roles were awesome. All of them appears at the second half. The comic roles in the movie are Brahmanandam, Raghu Babu and Sunil. I witnessed the comedy of Brahmanandam and it was super good for a change. None of them felt forced or filler. All the three together gave the best comedy in this movie. The timing, the execution, the connection and the immersion, every aspect of their comedy was done with accuracy. It was nothing more, nothing less, just right. 

The story is nothing new. It's the same old story with a fresh new angle. You can get immersed into this world and have lots of fun while watching too. We all know the ending to this type of story so it's very important that the movie should immerse us into this world as we witness Manchu Manoj's journey towards achieving it. The performance is awesome and the execution of each scene makes this movie a worthwhile watch. This movie is executed so greatly that your immersion will not break at all in any point in the movie.

In conclusion, this is by far not a bad movie. It is undoubtedly one of Manchu Manoj's best movies I've watched as of  23 - May - 2017. Everybody (except the mentioned few) done very well and they build the world very nicely. The comedy is hilariously awesome, the performance are great, action is averagely focused, and the overall execution is very good. I highly recommend it for everybody. You can see the dedication that went this movie and I'm glad I watched it today.


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