Arjun (2004) Review...

Arjun (2004) Review...





Arjun attempts to get his twin sister married to the person she loves. He faces problems while struggling to make her marriage work as her in-laws try every possible way to kill her.


This is one of the best Mahesh Babu movies I've seen till date. He has been portrayed well in this movie along with his sister played by Keerthi Reddy. Mahesh Babu's interactions with his family especially towards his sibling is very nice to watch. However, the movie does share its set of problems as well that are very much noticeable.

Most of the supporting cast and even the villains are not developed as well as Mahesh Babu and Keerthi Reddy. Even the main female protagonist played by Shriya Saran is absent for a good chunk of the movie. She was completely unnecessary to the movie. You know nothing about her or her father. Both exhibit only one character trait, Shriya Saran is a naughty girl who likes to do mischief and is scared of her father. Her father is a talkative, scolding, idiotic man which is irritating as he does this routine continuously in the first half. Except these you never really get to know any other qualities about them. The father does get interesting in second half when Shriya Saran tells her love matter to him. But he gets dropped out a scene later wasting such an interesting development.

The antagonist or the villains in this movie are played by Prakash Raj and Saritha portraying a murderous married couple and that's it. Their performance was good but their roles had no impact on me as a viewer. They weren't even the least bit intimidating. I was extremely disappointed as they got Prakash Raj, one of the best actors the film industry has, and they were unable to give any sort of development to him at all. Prakash Raj has not been used to his full potential here. Prakash Raj and Saritha is just another single-minded villains with no memorable or redeemable qualities in them. They even killed off another actor Nassar as Police Commissioner essentially reducing what could have been an interesting portrayal into a worthless cameo. Other actors like Kalabhavan Mani, Rajan P. Dev, Raja Abel, they are all the main supporting cast who should strengthen the movie yet none of have anything to offer. None of them did anything to make the movie better and to make matters worse because of such an act they put the whole weight of the movie into the hands of Mahesh Babu and Keerthi Reddy.

Another problem of the movie lies in the song transitions. I'm glad that Shriya Saran is trying to get better roles in recent films because the Shriya Saran of the past is like the Katrina Kaif of the present. She is there only to be a pretty faced dummy and to do song numbers. The transitions to the songs are so horrible but the songs do tend to be good at times yet most of the transitions leave you confused thus songs become not enjoyable because you are constantly trying to put the pieces together. I like Shriya Saran. I believe if you give her a good role then she can do it well. But this is without a doubt one of her weakest roles during her career.

Some of the positives I found was that story was very engaging. Despite the character development problem, Mahesh Babu and Keerthi Reddy does manage to save the movie from total destruction. The ending felt a bit forced and stupid as he gets hit in the leg and Prakash Raj hits him with a car yet he is still walking around. The ending doesn't make any sense as Mahesh Babu was shown fighting 3 waves of rowdies in the beginning parts of the movie yet in the ending he fights a single wave then fights Prakash Raj. There was no scene of fast forwarding like in Lakshyam, it just moves to Prakash Raj after the first wave. It is definitely noticeable once you watch it. However his attempts to save his sister, the attempts to save himself while ensuring the safety of his sister as well, his overall attitude is definitely very interesting to watch. You are with him in every scene and you want to see him win. You can tell he puts his all into this movie and it's definitely for the best. His scenes are the highlights of the film. His interactions to his mischief to his struggle, all of it is portrayed fantastically. 

In conclusion, this film is average for me. The story is intriguing and if you have given some time for the supporting characters and Shriya Saran to develop more then the story would have been interesting too. Mahesh Babu and Keerthi Reddy and their parents are the only positives of the movie that definitely raises a few points. If they were as underdeveloped as the supporting characters and Shriya Saran, then I would have been pissed. But the were very enjoyable and were strong enough to push this movie to an average status. Another reason for an increase in point goes to the strong morality of the film which is "No matter how mechanical or modern our life has become, we must never forget our siblings or our family" and this is shown beautifully in the movie.

So I would recommend watching this movie once since there are things about the movie that are good enough and is intriguing enough for a one-time watch. You will come out with mixed opinions but this is one Mahesh Babu movie that you must check out.


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