Jolly LLB (2013) Review...

Jolly LLB (2013) Review...





Jolly, a struggling lawyer, comes upon a hit-and-run case and decides to fight for the victims. However, the defendant hires a proficient lawyer against him. How he wins the case forms the story.


I watched this movie 4 years ago but since it's sequel is running in theaters, I decided to watch the first Jolly LLB first then watch Jolly LLB 2. I am very glad to have done this. For those who don't know this 2013 movie have been remade in Tamil as Manithan (Links: Wikipedia | IMDb), so for those who want to watch the Tamil remake but didn't know the name of the movie, well there you go.

Coming back to the review here, I liked this movie when I first watched it and I still like it. This movie captures practical life and real life very well. However, when they try to do the comic roles they really go all out to the point where you will say 'What the f*ck' yet still laugh at the hilarity. The characters are all colorful in the sense that they bring much more to the table than just support. Without spoiling much (though what's the point now, you might have already watched it by now), 2 of my favorite scenes that really got the biggest WTF reaction followed by a laugh are:

1) When Arshad Warsi goes to return the bribe money to Boman Irani, Boman Irani opens the suitcase after Arshad Warsi leaves and gets startled seeing mice coming out of the bag. I laughed so hard that my cheeks turned hard. I couldn't even question the fact that none of mice ever moved nor made even a single sound until the suitcase was opened even though they were all cramped in that tiny suitcase. I was laughing out of mind. Very well executed and the timing was just exceptional.

2) When Arshad Warsi gets attacked by Boman Irani's advocate fans (or something like that), the following scene ends with him getting a bodyguard. How could you not laugh your heart out when a scrawny malnutrition old man sprung up the next scene claiming to be his bodyguard? I literally went on a  WTF moment and yet burst out in laughter. Though not as good as the mice scene, but if you were to tell quickly the most memorable moments of Jolly LLB, you would definitely say these two on the spot. A very well executed shot that gave us something to remember it by.

The songs though not impressive were fun to sit through but eventually they do ruin the mood a little bit. The comedy scenes were fantastic and I was having a ball. This movie has the balls to go all the way with what it's trying to say and I admire that. They capture the real life aspects of life well and the problems are very much related to real life. 

To come up with a negative aspect of this film is very difficult. It's mostly nitpicks and all of them are minor. So I'm not going to say much about it. However, I do hope that the sequel do improve on the negatives without hurting the positives of the film.

In conclusion, this is a great movie. There is zero chance of boredom and over that you will laugh your heart out. This film has the correct emotion, dedication, determination and virtue to win you over. If there are any who have not seen this movie then I strongly suggest that you do give it a chance.


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